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Starting in 2024, Hermina Hospital Builds Synergy with Hiroshima University Hospital Japan

Foto : Starting in 2024, Hermina Hospital Builds Synergy with Hiroshima University Hospital Japan

Jakarta, mataberita.net — Starting in 2024, PT. Medialoka Hermina, Tbk. (Hermina Hospital) builds synergy with various parties, including Hiroshima University Hospital, Japan. Hiroshima University Hospital will arrive from Japan for the first time at the end of 2022. This is with the aim of opening up opportunities for long-term collaboration with Hermina in a program to improve the quality of health services and increase human resource capacity, especially in the development of Kidney Transplants.

Hermina’s collaboration with Hiroshima University Hospital was realized at the Signing Ceremony of Kidney Transplant Program on Monday (04/12/2023) in Jakarta. This is a follow-up to the meeting on Tuesday (14/03/2023) Hiroshima University Hospital, none other than to advance collaboration in the medical field as part of the transfer of technology and knowledge at Hiroshima University Hospital. The signing event began with an MOU between Hermina Group Hospital, Hiroshima University Hospital and PT. Sumitomo Corp which will be held at Hiroshima University Hospital in March 2023.

This moment was attended by approximately 50 people including directors and executives from each Hermina hospital. The MoU was signed by Yoshiki Kudo as Director of Hiroshima University Hospital, Hasmoro as President Director of Hermina Hospital Group and Hiroshi Karashima as President Director of PT. Sumitomo Indonesia. Assessment of the Hermina Hospital group is one of the largest health service providers in Indonesia with 45 hospitals and 6,100 beds.

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So in the future, Hiroshima University will work together to improve medical technology, develop human resources and digitize the medical field. Head of the R&D Institutional Cooperation Department Hermina Sri Mulyani also explained. “Initially it was initiated by the Ministry of Health. At that time, Hiroshima University conducted research on kidney failure in Indonesia. In Indonesia, hemodialysis patients incur the largest BPJS costs, and are included in the top 5 costs,” she said.

“We were given the opportunity together with one of the doctors from Hiroshima to conduct an analysis of the costs of Hemodialysis patients at Hermina Hospital and after that we were given recommendations on what follow-up actions needed to be taken to reduce costs and develop services in the future,” Head of the R&D Institutional Cooperation Department Hermina continued. She also explained. That one way is through a kidney transplant.

Foto : Starting in 2024, Hermina Hospital Builds Synergy with Hiroshima University Hospital Japan

Because, according to Sri Mulyani, if a kidney transplant is carried out earlier, life expectancy will be longer, and can also save on health costs. Apart from that, cooperation is not limited to transplantation alone but also for other health services. “For example, orthopedics, pediatrics and all kinds, including oncology, but start prioritizing there first,” she said.

Foto : Starting in 2024, Hermina Hospital Builds Synergy with Hiroshima University Hospital Japan

With this collaboration, Hermina Hospital hopes that this can be a new breakthrough and provide support to the government in every government program set, especially in the health sector.

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