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Hermina AGMS, Significant Growth of 47 Percent

Photo : The Board of Directors and Commissioners of the company PT Medikaloka Hermina

Jakarta, mataberita.net — PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (Hermina) held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS). None other than to report on the Company’s performance in 2023. The meeting was held in bold and offline (hybrid) and was attended by members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk on Monday (13/05/2024). Dr. Hasmoro as President Director of PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk revealed a number of company achievements and strategies for 2024.

The end of the pandemic status in June 2023 by the Government and the start of normal activities in the health sector, the Company reported an increase in patient volume of 19.49 percent. This of course will increase to more than 8.5 million in 2023, from the previous 7.1 million in 2022. “Throughout 2023, we have carried out a comprehensive review and improvement of Hermina Hospital services, as well as presenting several new centers of excellence focused on “oncology, heart care, stroke, nephrology and orthopedic health services,” said Dr. Hasmoro.

In addition, emergency, intensive and emergency services have also been refined amidst an increasingly competitive business environment. The number of inpatients also increased to 613 thousand from 484 thousand patients, or a growth of 26.65 percent. The number of outpatient visits also increased 18.97 percent from 6.63 million patients to 7.89 million patients from the previous year. Network expansion also continues.

This is especially true with the inauguration of the 46th and 47th Hermina Hospitals in Ciawi, Bogor Regency, West Java Province and Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. The company closed 2023 with net income of IDR 5.78 trillion. This total net income remains higher than the previous year’s net income of IDR 4.90 trillion in 2022 or growth of 18 percent.

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The total Ebitda obtained by the Company is IDR 1.59 trillion in 2023, higher than in 2022, namely IDR 1.14 trillion. Then the Company recorded a net profit of IDR 559 billion, higher than in 2022, namely IDR 379 billion or a growth of 47 percent. “Thus, the Net Profit attributable to the Owners of the Parent Entity reached IDR 437 billion for the 2023 financial year and part of the Net Profit was distributed as Cash Dividends to the Company’s shareholders amounting to IDR 8.5 per share, higher than the Cash Dividend earned in 2022 , which is IDR 7 per share,” said Dr. Hasmoro.

“Hermina’s positive performance in 2023 builds our confidence in sustainable growth so that we can offer quality health services to the Indonesian people,” continued Dr. Hasmoro. He also revealed a number of performance supporting achievements, such as the hospital’s success in integrating the e-Medical Record system which increased the efficiency of hospital operations and faster access to patient health records.

In 2024, HEAL will focus on human resource development as a top priority, both in terms of increasing employee competency and specialist health workers. “We are targeting this year to add 260 full-time specialist doctors. “Currently there are 350 and the target is a total of 500 specialists by the end of 2024,” said Dr. Hasmoro. To achieve this target, HEAL collaborates with a number of universities including the University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Hasanuddin University, and so on.

At the same time, Hermina’s hospital network continues to grow by establishing four new hospitals, namely in Pasuruan, Madiun, the capital city of the archipelago (IKN), and an international standard hospital in PIK 2. Hermina Hospital in Pasuruan is targeted to be operational by the end of May and become 48th Hospital. Next, in Madiun in July, and at IKN at the end of July or early August, then at PIK 2 which is international.

Photo : The Board of Directors and Commissioners of the company PT Medikaloka Hermina

“For a standard hospital investment is around IDR 135 billion, specifically at PIK 2 it can be 1.75 times the investment. And for investment in IKN, this adjustment is due to the extreme contour of the road going down three floors, requiring extra structure. “For special eco green buildings and smart hospitals, the facades have to rely on sunlight, and so on, so adjust,” said Director of Finance and Strategy Development Yulisar Khiat.

Photo : The Board of Directors and Commissioners of the company PT Medikaloka Hermina

Apart from that, HEAL also acquired RSIA Medika Rumbai which is expected to strengthen the Company’s commitment to providing access to health services. Responding to this achievement, Commissioner of PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk Darwin Cyril Noerhadi expressed his optimism regarding performance growth amidst the current competition in the health services industry.

Photo : The Board of Directors and Commissioners of the company PT Medikaloka Hermina

“Health, like infrastructure and facilities, is still necessary under any circumstances. “And from Hermina’s point of view, growth remains the main target,” said Darwin. He added. Regarding services to BPJS patients, from the start, Hermina has targeted the middle market niche. Although it was not stated in detail, both the number of non-BPJS/executive and BPJS patients increased, but the proportion between BPJS and executives decreased by two percent.

Photo : The Board of Directors and Commissioners of the company PT Medikaloka Hermina

“So in the future we will not reduce BPJS patients but increase non-BPJS patients by enriching specialties and so on,” said Darwin. Furthermore, he still does not want to mention the target growth percentage figure that will be achieved in 2024.









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