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Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

Foto : Siemens Healthineers' Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

Jakarta, mataberita.net — German Medical Technology Company, Siemens Healthineers, announced a Value Partnership agreement with Hermina Hospital Group or PT. Medika Loka Management (PT. MLM) to provide access to high quality health care in Indonesia. The Value Partnership formed between Siemens Healthineers and the Hermina Group is a long-term strategic collaboration to create value for Hermina Hospital and its patients.

Then this collaboration also aims to increase the competitiveness and market penetration of Hermina Hospital to achieve clinical excellence in the next 10 years through innovative technology and consultation services for X-ray technology.

“This strategic collaboration is seen from all aspects including the development of human resource competency, cost efficiency, and so on,” said Yulisar Khiat as Vice President Director, Finance and Strategic Development PT. MLM. The goal is one, namely to make a real contribution. sustainable health services in Hermina and also in Indonesia.

In terms of developing resource competency, Yulisar continued, it is hoped that Siemens will continue to accompany Hermina’s health workers, including doctors and nurses, in providing excellent extra assistance to Hermina patients. One form of assistance they will provide is through training programs with the help of Siemens experts who have international exposure.

This is intended to improve the expertise of Hermina’s health workers. So that services in domestic hospitals can compete with the quality of international services. “This will increase the level of trust of Indonesian patients and we can help the government in reducing the number of patients seeking treatment abroad,” explained Yulisar.

“One of the projects included in this process is a study for the construction of a Center of Excellence,” added Yulisar. Apart from that, the Value Partnership agreement also includes a Managed Equipment Service (MES) contract. None other than for the procurement of advanced diagnostic imaging technology and maintenance contracts for equipment. Siemens health at Hermina Hospital Group in Indonesia.

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Meanwhile, Alfred Fahringer as Country Head of Siemens Healthineers Indonesia said. This collaboration is an important achievement for Hermina Hospitals Group and Siemens Healthineers. This partnership reflects a dynamic collaboration designed to propel Hermina Hospitals Group into a new era in healthcare through state-of-the-art facilities and progressive strategies.

“We are proud of this historic achievement and this is concrete proof of our team’s ability to successfully elevate transactional sales relationships into Value Partnerships, creating more value than our ‘traditional’ role as a preferred vendor,” said Alfred. Furthermore, he said. This Value Partnership is more than an agreement.

This, continued Alfred, is a long-term commitment to provide access to high quality health services throughout Indonesia. “We will improve X-ray technology throughout the Hermina hospital network which will significantly improve the quality of health services for the Indonesian people,” he explained.

“Also, ensuring that hospitals are always equipped with the latest technology such as CT scans, MRI and X-Ray which function with optimal efficiency and are ready to provide the best treatment to patients in Indonesia,” added Alfred. The background to this collaboration is because “We have a history of cooperation with Hermina. Of course there are several stages, yes.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

According to Alfred, about five or six years ago, Siemens Healthineers did not work directly with Hermina. “Initially it was just product sales. But we continue to build good relationships. So we decided to try to collaborate with Hermina. Which is a support for Hermina. “We hope it can last long term with mutual benefits,” he continued.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

The collaboration between Siemens Healthineers and Hermina is of course based on the full trust of both parties with various considerations. Yulisar added. With this collaboration, Hermina Hospital will receive support that includes community safety, quality of care, operational efficiency, and so on. “Apart from that, Hermina is also committed to becoming an environmentally friendly hospital and a smart hospital,” he explained.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

“This means we will implement practices that reduce our environmental impact. So it is more sustainable and integrates advanced equipment information systems for process automation and the use of analytical data to improve clinical and operational decisions. “With Siemens’ support, we will also adopt advanced technology that is not only efficient, but also sustainable, helping us protect the environment,” added Yulisar.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

Yulisar also explained. “I’m from the finance side. The first is that we look at the investment value. Then, we also look at the needs of our terms, plus benefit analysis. So the benefits Hermina needs are fulfilled by Siemens Management. The second, plus effective analysis, with greater variations in BPJS segmentation of Hermina patients. Of course this can help reduce Hermina’s Capex investment. “For that, I thank you,” he explained.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

“So Siemens understands. That Hermina provides excellent service. In this case, Siemens also gives us confidence in the guarantee to implement the strategy for the next five years. “Our trust in Siemens to be able to serve and back up its system supports Hermina in sustainability, stabilization, can help the government in reducing the number of patients seeking treatment abroad and so on,” said Yulisar.

Foto : Siemens Healthineers’ Full Trust in Supporting Hermina is Realized through Value Partnership Collaboration

Yulisar also conveyed at Siemens Healthineers and Hermina Hospitals Group Value Partnership Signing Ceremony in St Regis Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (06/11/2024). So in the future targets can be met both short and long term in terms of services as well as various studies and innovations in order to improve the quality of collaboration and competitiveness of Hermina Hospital.

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