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Reliable Performance Achievement, Pertamina Achieves International Award in the Field of Investor Relations

Photo : Reliable Performance Achievement, Pertamina Achieves International Award in the Field of Investor Relations

Bangkok, mataberita.net — PT Pertamina (Persero) has again achieved an International award. This time it was at The Global Economics Awards 2024 which was held in Bangkok last Wednesday (08/01/2025). Pertamina won the award as Best Energy Company for Sustainable Investor Relations in the Utility & Energy category. This award is an achievement of Pertamina’s Investor Relations performance which has proven to be reliable in distributing and publishing comprehensive and transparent information to investors, including information related to sustainability.

VP Investor Relations PT Pertamina (Persero) Juferson Mangempis said. In the midst of Pertamina’s efforts to continue to provide sustainable energy for Indonesia, this award proves it. Pertamina’s Investor Relations function has carried out its duties in accordance with the expectations of investors and financial stakeholders and demonstrated good performance in providing information in accordance with existing needs. “This award adds to the long line of positive achievements of Pertamina, which has now traveled 67 years in providing energy for Indonesia,” he explained.

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“We hope that this will be an encouragement to face future challenges by continuing to move forward to achieve energy self-sufficiency for Indonesia,” said Juferson. VP Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso said. World recognition of Pertamina on the global stage is very important to support efforts to achieve the energy self-sufficiency target. This is in line with the Government’s priority programs as stated in President Prabowo Subianto’s Asta Cita Vision and Mission. “This award is expected to increase its attractiveness for global investors,” he explained.

“And opening up opportunities for cooperation through investment, funding, partnerships and other initiatives, which will ultimately produce added value in providing energy for Indonesia,” explained Fadjar. The Global Economics Limited, as organizer of The Global Economics Awards, is an institution that presents financial publications based in London, England and has distribution coverage to various financial sectors in various industries throughout the world. Apart from Pertamina, several leading international companies also took part in this event and received awards at the 2024 Global Economics Awards.

Photo : Reliable Performance Achievement, Pertamina Achieves International Award in the Field of Investor Relations

This includes the Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Technology, Transportation, Healthcare and Travel & Hospitality sectors. Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition sector, is committed to supporting the 2060 Net Zero Emission target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in all Pertamina business lines and operations.

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