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Hospital Hermina Group’s Warm Meeting with the Government of Seychelles Results in Enchanting Synergy in 2024

Foto : Hospital Hermina Group's Warm Meeting with the Government of Seychelles Results in Enchanting Synergy in 2024

Jakarta, mataberita.net — PT. Medikaloka Hermina, Tbk. (Hermina Hospital Group) build synergy with various parties, including the Seychelles Government in early January 2024. Visiting Seychelles Government Delegation was present at the PT Head Office Medikaloka Hermina, Tbk took place for 2 days on January 31 and February 1 2024 as a friendly visit. This Hospital Hermina Group’s warm meeting with the Government of Seychelles results in enchanting synergy.

The High Delegation of the Republic of Seychelles consisted of Minister of Health H.E. Peggy Vidot, Minister of Land and Housing H.E. Billy Rangasamy, Seychelles Ambassador Nico Barito, Chairman of the Board of the Health Agency Cyril Bonnelame, Chief Executive Officer of the Health Agency Dr. Danny Louange, Chief Executive Officer Seychelles Infrastructure Agency Jitesh Shah, Chief Nursing Officer Ministry of Health Dr. Gylian Mein and Managing Director of EkoArkitek Paul Jim Lesperance was present at this collaboration discussion.

Nico Barito conveyed. The country of Seychelles is the same as Indonesia, a country consisting of islands. “Even though we are a small country, we are grateful. We have entered the category of developed countries. Our economy comes from tourism, fisheries, international business services, the digital economy. Well, recently we have plans to also promote something called health tourism or medical tourism. So far we have had hospitals, but they are still local. We now want to create health tourism. Because our tourists have come from developed countries,” he said.

“So tourists who come to Seychelles can spend 2 or 3 thousand dollars. Means having a high income. So, we are looking for health tourism products that are suitable to offer to people who travel. So while traveling, he can treat his health. Then, because we are located in the Indian Ocean, to the east of Africa, behind us is the African continent, why do Africans have to go all the way for treatment to Singapore, to Malaysia, to Europe? Health facilities that are equivalent to ASEAN and Europe already exist in Seychelles,” explained the Ambassador.

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Nico Barito then explained. That’s why the President of the Republic of Seychelles assigned him together with the Minister of Health and the Minister in charge of Land and Development to visit ASEAN countries. “In the context of visiting ASEAN countries, I think the largest in ASEAN is Indonesia. So that’s why I think ASEAN has quite a lot of hospitals in Indonesia. I see that there are lots of hospitals if you search in Indonesia. But the hospital that is growing very quickly is Hermina Hospital. Quality and quality are always guaranteed.

“Then I suggested going to Indonesia and studying at Hermina Hospital. Starting from how it was built, how it was managed and what amazed us was that in Hermina Kemayoran there was another hotel. So this is integrated, right? Because the hotel that accompanies the patient can stay overnight. Those who are treated just need to get treatment. Then there is the Health Institute. So one roof service is very suitable for Seychelles. And because Seychelles has many islands. Hermina is also expanding to many islands,” Nico Barito said.

The conclusion of the Seychelles Government visit in Hermina was appreciated by them. “The conclusion of our visit was 3 days in Hermina. We really appreciate the good and extraordinary reception from the leadership and staff at Hermina,” then Nico Barito explained. He also really appreciated the harmonization of services at Hermina. “Not only that, we saw and studied how to harmonize services between doctors, nurses and patients at Hermina. I think this is very important. His English is very friendly,” he continued.

“We really hope that we can work to realize good cooperation and in short, good cooperation can be realized by exchanging experiences. We’ll send a doctor here. We will send a hospital planning team to Indonesia, to Hermina. “On the other hand, we also invited Hermina to come to Seychelles, Hermina’s doctors and nurses could also interact,” The Ambassador explained. According to him, Indonesia is a developing country, Seychelles is a developed country, adjustments need to be made. So that there can be good long-term cooperation.

“I, on behalf of the Government of Seychelles, invite Hermina Hospital to open a Hermina Africa representative office in Seychelles,” Nico stressed. Then Yulisar Khiat as Director of Operations said. He was grateful and appreciative of the Seychelles delegation for choosing Hermina Hospital as a source of knowledge in developing health services. “The decision to consider Hermina Hospital as a referral is a testament to the collaborative efforts needed to advance global healthcare, and we are honored to be part of this.

“We sincerely wish the Seychelles Government success in implementing the insights gained. Hopefully the strategies and practices discussed here will make a significant contribution to improving medical services and ensuring the welfare of citizens there. The collaborative spirit demonstrated during this visit provides the basis for continued cooperation between Hermina Hospital and Seychelles. We are committed to cultivating deeper and more meaningful partnerships that go beyond the scope of today’s discussion,” Yulisar said warmly.

Director of Operations also told. That their doors was always opened. “Our doors are always open for future collaboration, whether through exchange programs, further visits or joint initiatives,” he closed. Sri Mulyani also added that Seychelles’ visit to Hermina Hospital was an honor. Because of the credibility and trust in Hermina Hospital as one of the big chain hospitals in Indonesia, and with superior maternal and child health services.

Foto : Hospital Hermina Group’s Warm Meeting with the Government of Seychelles Results in Enchanting Synergy in 2024

“This visit shows that we are starting to get attention from the international community and we have been able to start our journey to go international. We recognize how important it is to foster global partnerships to improve the quality of our health service delivery,” Sri Mulyani said. Furthermore, he conveyed. The cooperation plan will be carried out by both parties in accordance with the agreement. She continued. One of them is cooperation in the form of hospital development and knowledge transfer from both parties.

Foto : Hospital Hermina Group’s Warm Meeting with the Government of Seychelles Results in Enchanting Synergy in 2024

“Seychelles is an archipelagic country and has health problems similar to Indonesia. The Seychelles tourism sector is very developed. Three times as many foreign tourists visit as Seychelles residents. “With that consideration, we feel it is very necessary to explore cooperation in the health sector with Seychelles. As an effort to re-brand and go international, we want to advance and develop Indonesian health tourism, especially at Hermina Hospital,” concluded Sri Mulyani.






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