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ADSW 2025, Pertamina NRE Supports Global Energy Transition by Sharing Insights on Accelerating Renewable Energy Development

Photo : ADSW 2025, Pertamina NRE Supports Global Energy Transition by Sharing Insights on Accelerating Renewable Energy Development

Abu Dhabi, mataberita.net — In a discussion that took place at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ASDW) 2025 on Wednesday (15/01/2025), John Anis as CEO of Pertamina New & Renewable Energy (NRE) shared insights about the accelerated development process renewable energy on a large scale. Which is being carried out by Pertamina NRE in Indonesia to support the global energy transition towards the final target, namely Net Zero Emission 2060. In discussion with Jim Pagano (CEO of Terra-Gen Power Holding America), John Anis explained. Indonesia has a renewable energy potential of more than 3,500 GW. Which includes solar, wind, bioenergy and geothermal energy.

“Pertamina NRE is committed to being the main driver of the energy transition in Indonesia by developing bioethanol and geothermal energy. These are two strategic initiatives that not only reduce dependence on fossil fuels but also support the stability of the national energy supply,” said John Anis. He stressed. Indonesia has great potential for new, renewable energy. Like geothermal energy, Indonesia is located on the ‘ring of fire’ which is geographically very advantageous.

For this reason, Pertamina NRE needs government support through proactive policies such as renewable energy subsidies, fiscal incentives, and collaboration with the strategic private sector. “We are also working with international investors to ensure sustainable financing in green energy projects. This is a strategic step we are taking, collaboration is important,” added the CEO of Pertamina NRE. Both agreed. Innovative financing is a key factor in accelerating large-scale renewable energy projects.

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According to John, increased interest in developing green energy can grow from the private sector through funding models such as green bonds and public-private partnerships. Don’t forget, an inclusive approach in developing renewable energy projects is also very important. “We are not only focused on energy production, but also on empowering local communities. Optimizing the project location is designed to ensure that the surrounding community gets economic and social benefits, such as new jobs and more equitable access to energy,” he said.

Amidst these great opportunities, challenges remain. John noted. Infrastructure needs such as energy transmission and supporting regulations still require more attention. Furthermore, improving technology and network reliability will be a major focus in the next few years. With a strong international collaborative approach, both Indonesia and various other countries in the world will show that the transition to net-zero through large-scale renewable energy is not just a dream, but an achievable goal.

Photo : ADSW 2025, Pertamina NRE Supports Global Energy Transition by Sharing Insights on Accelerating Renewable Energy Development

PT Pertamina (Persero) Vice President Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso added. Pertamina is carrying out various initiatives to support the Government’s target of achieving Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060, including building and developing transitional energy in Indonesia. “PNRE’s participation in various forums at the global level is a positive step for socializing and building partnerships with international partners in the development of New Renewable Energy,” he demolished.



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